Sunday, March 25, 2012

Upcoming Photoshoot!

And so it's finally two more days to our wedding photoshoot. We've busied ourselves over the wkend and have gotten most of our props and accessories all packed nicely. Honestly, I've always been dreaming what this day would turn out to be - you know, the wearing of gowns, posing and smiling. As I grew up and as I see wedding couples on the streets, I've sometimes imagined myself in a gown with my other half, like a princess in my own fairytale. But now that this dream is turning into reality in just a few days time, suddenly, I feel that it's not that important as what I used to perceive anymore. Whether or not the photos would turn out lovely or whether we're able to pose naturally - there's just too much to worry about, and that shouldn't be our focus. Even if the photos are gonna turn out less than our expectaions, I think it's alright - lets just have fun on that day anyway! Enjoy ourselves and celebrate our love in small little laughter and smiles. Afterall, the wedding and marriage isn't about the photos - it's about the love that we share.

So whether it's gonna be sunshine or rain showers, let's just have fun! And if it turns out sunny and not so hot (i.e. the perfect weather), we'll just take that as an additional blessing from God and as an answered prayer :)

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